Wedge Feature

A Wedge feature is a wedge-like shape.

Wedges can be molded into different shapes that can be varying lengths and heights as well as mirrored along different axes.


Name Description
Name Defines the name of the wedge.
Visible Turns on/off the visibility of wedge.
Material Defines the material of the wedge.
BiggerLength Defines the bottom length of the wedge in its X-axis.
SmallerLength Defines the top length of the wedge in its X-axis.
BiggerHeight Defines the back height of the wedge in its Z-axis.
SmallerHeight Defines the front height of the wedge in its Z-axis.
Width Defines the width of the wedge in its Y-axis.
MirrorBack Turns on/off the mirroring of the wedge in its negative Y-axis.
MirrorDown Turns on/off the mirroring of the wedge in its negative Z-axis.
Physics Defines a set of physics properties for the feature.